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Friday, August 24, 2007

Day 24 30DC - Conversion and a New Challenge!

Here we are, a week from the end of the challenge, and by Gosh, we are starting again! We are now concentrating on conversion, making sure that we have a product that converts visitors into sales. That's really minor compared to the gauntlet Ed just threw down.

Offering a prize of a flight to Australia to attend the next Immediate Edge conference, the challenge is to start from zero on Friday and make that first $10.00 by 9 am. Monday morning. If you succeed, your name goes into a draw for the free flight. (I believe it is a return flight.)

So, what better time to launch another niche than that? I began from a standing start at 6:29 p.m. today, Friday. As of writing this at about 10 pm. I have secured a brand new niche and keyphrase, obtained a platform, created the first few posts, installed my tracking codes, and begun the social posting process. Whew!

I rather wish I didn't have such a busy weekend coming up with other things that have nothing to do with the Thirty Day Challenge.


At 11:41 PM, August 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what niche have you decided to get into and what techniques have you used during your social posting phase?

Glad you signed up for the Comment Exchange movement! Some great content you have here, I'll be sure to get into the thirty day challenges! Thank you :)

At 3:02 PM, September 15, 2007, Blogger Lina Trivedi said...

This is very interesting - I am a little new to "active blogging" - meaning, I've been blogging for a while, but for the first time, I am actively maintaining my blog (ie. more than 2 posts a year!) ... thanks for the informative site - I look forward to learning more!


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