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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 15 30DC - Playing in Traffic

Halfway through the Thirty Day Challenge, we have finally reached movement 2 of what Ed calls "A Magnificent Symphony in Four Parts". This part deals with traffic. The first, of course, was market research. If you think that 15 days preparation in a 30-day challenge is somewhat lopsided, you would be wrong. As previously mentioned, there is no skimping on the research and analysis phase if you want to maximize your efforts during development to have an error-free launch.

So maybe there's no such thing as "error-free" launches, but you can certainly reduce the risk. And that's what the Thirty Day Challenge is all about. Minimizing risk means ensuring that you have sufficient traffic to get enough potential buyers to your site that a reasonable percentage of them can be converted, and thus bring you the all important sale. Conversion and Product being the remaining parts of the symphony.

Having done the market research, I know that my niche choices meet or exceed the minimum criteria for number of searches per day. So I can be confident that if I have a top-ranking position in the search engines, I will be getting a certain number of people looking at my web page every day. The trick, of course, is to get to that high ranking position in a search.

Enter Web 2.0 and its social networking tools. By having other people notice, comment, tag, and refer your site, you get additional clout with Google and your page rank goes up. The more attention your site gets, the more searches it gets, and the higher it shows up on the hit list.

If you can get parts I and II right, III and IV are not going to be that difficult. As I tell my students, do what is hard, life is easy; do what is easy, life is hard. Let's make this as easy as possible.


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