Beth Buzz - What is Beth Agnew up to now?

A news blog to keep you up to date on the activities of Beth Agnew.
Multiple projects, always a new idea, never a dull moment! Follow @Professorsan on Twitter.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 20 30DC - Regroup and Go Again

Okay, the Tumblr thing was unfortunate, but that's life on the Internet. Time to regroup and go again. I have already secured another platform and begun to publish quality content (as I always do) on my niche topic. Let's see how this one fares.

I believe that it will have the same spectacular results if I use the same techniques to get it ranked in the search engines and drawing traffic. We are getting the opportunity to refine the process, and of course, as with anything else, repetition is a good way to ensure you learn what is being taught.

I'll keep you posted.

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