Beth Buzz - What is Beth Agnew up to now?

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Monday, August 06, 2007

The Tao of Ed, Take II

You know I'm a scamp, right? Ed happened to mention that we needed black T-shirts in support of the Tao of Ed movement. So here's what I did:

Ed is too modest to have his face on a T-shirt, so we went to additional iterations, including one with Tao or Yin/Yang symbol, one with the symbols for Knowledge and Prosperity, and one with a guitar, sort of. Consensus is that the guitar is something we all associate with Ed, so it deserves a place in the Tao of Ed graphical reality.

Since the guitar is so representative of Ed, I want to render it better than you see here. Y'all know I'm graphically challenged and that I have zero artistic skills -- but I am a copy/paste mashup maven! And this soon-to-be-a-collector's-item T-shirt deserves a much better image.

I have also been asked for a pic of a combat hamster -- I'm workin' on it!

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