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Friday, August 03, 2007

Day 3 30DC - Let Go and Let Ed

There will be many classic phrases, actions, and images to come out of what is now becoming a massive worldwide training opportunity. But perhaps the most memorable has already surfaced.

In a post entitled "The Tao of Ed" in the Thirty Day Challenge forums, PaulS reminds all the participants that it's best to relax and follow Ed's instructions to the letter, rather than jumping ahead, trying to take shortcuts, or getting caught up in customizing the process. He reminds us that doing things Ed's "Way" will be more likely to lead us to the success we are trying to achieve. We are reminded of Mr. Myagi saying "Wax on, wax off" to The Karate Kid.

And PaulS borrows a phrase from the self help movement to put it into perspective: "Let go and let Ed."

When you are studying with a guru, it makes sense to model exactly what they are doing until you understand that one specific way to do things. After you have assimilated the proven system, you can start adapting it to your own talents and interests. But first comes obedience to the teachings of the master.

Don't analyze, don't criticize, and above all don't get hung up on "progress". The progress will come as you follow the steps, one by one, in the order in which they're taught. All will become clear as you turn the teachings into practical actions that will take you to your goal. Wax on, wax off. Let go and let Ed.

$10.00 is not that far away.

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