How Do You Think?
I've always been a bit of a contrary thinker. This is no revelation to any of you who know me. I look at things from a different angle, much of the time.
A friend was looking for a cooling device for his notebook computer. He searched the web, and found a number of options. There's one with fans in it on eBay. There's an aluminium rectangle with rubber feet that sits under the notebook and conducts heat away from the bottom of the computer. There's a ridged support stand that allows air to circulate under the notebook, and a thick wire artsy-shapey thing that looks like a glorified plate stand, but for your notebook. Prices ranged from $90 down to about $12.00.
It would be a good purchase. Apparently, overheating is a major notebook killer.
He finally decided on the aluminium plate because it was lightweight. Cost, about US$30.00.
Me, I would have gone with a 14" x 9" wire cake cooling rack, about $3.00 in the housewares aisle at Wal-Mart or Zellers.
Product idea: Put them in a fancy box and sell them as notebook coolers for $20.00 each.

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