Beth Buzz - What is Beth Agnew up to now?

A news blog to keep you up to date on the activities of Beth Agnew.
Multiple projects, always a new idea, never a dull moment! Follow @Professorsan on Twitter.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

New Grad Poll

One of my current projects (you know I have many!) involves assistance for my newly-graduated students and others who are recent grads. Please help me by contributing your opinion to the following poll.

If you are not a recent grad, please speak of your experience when you graduated, whenever that was. Thanks! I appreciate your input and your assistance.

New Grads

What has been your biggest problem since graduating? Choose all that apply.

Unable to get a job
Difficult job search
Hired but salary too low
Still not qualified in my field
Working but not in my field
None. Quick hire, great job!
